7 Solid Legal Marketing Strategies to Land More Cases

Legal marketing may involve trends but at the end of the day, proven legal marketing strategies continue to earn their reputation as solid strategies to help land more cases and grow your firm. Here are seven of them:

1. Get Verified on Local Services Ads

Google has always led the digital marketing industry, and their latest product provides a unique opportunity to converse with potential clients. Instead of directing them to your website to fill out a form, Google will instead have potential clients immediately call your firm. Google will also put Local Services Ads at the very top of search results, allowing you to beat the competition. This placement can be critical for firms in highly competitive cities where competitors are already using SEO and PPC to try and rank higher on Google. And because ads are based on a potential client’s location, you only talk to clients in your area. Local Services Ads provide a unique opportunity to be an early adopter of a brand-new technology as part of your legal marketing.

2. Perfect Your Firm’s Website

When a client is looking for a lawyer, they’ll typically start by browsing the websites of local firms. So, it’s imperative that your website stands out among the local competition and presents a professional front. Take the time to ensure that your website looks modern and resizes on both mobile phones and tablets.

Since your website acts as the centerpiece of your legal marketing strategy, this is the one thing you may want to leave to the experts. ProSites can design your website, provide excellent content, and encourage visitors to book a consultation with your firm.

3. Create a Google My Business page

One of your biggest legal marketing priorities is to build a brand reputation that showcases your trustworthiness and expertise. Creating a Google Business Profile page allows clients to submit reviews of your firm and express how you’ve helped them in the past. It also provides central contact information including your address, phone number, and website URL so potential clients can easily reach out to your firm once they’ve seen all your awesome reviews.

4. Post About Your Pro Bono and Volunteer Work

Social media provides an excellent opportunity to showcase the benefits you bring to the community. Take the time to post about your pro bono work that has helped support those in need, along with any articles or news stories that mention your great work. You can also post staff photos from volunteer events and charity walks, or even sponsor causes you strongly support. Showcase all these efforts as part of your legal marketing on social media to build brand awareness and attract more clients.

5. Maximize Your Client Reviews

Cultivating a great reputation used to largely rely on word of mouth, but now it has expanded to include the digital world. Potential clients give a lot of weight to the reviews they read online, so encourage your satisfied clients to leave their comments on your firm’s Facebook page, Google Business Profile, and Yelp pages (if applicable). You can ask clients for reviews in your email footers, on signs in your reception area, and in your one-on-one conversations. Building your library of reviews is instrumental to creating an online reputation that will bring new clients through the door.

6. Have a Robust “About Us” Page on Your Website

Clients want to know who they’re going to be working with, so include introductions and photos of your staff on your website. Your bios should include education and experience, but don’t forget to include things like hobbies to humanize bios. A sentence or two about your favorite types of cases and personal mission statements can help clients find the best fit for their representation, and it makes your first meetings more personal and welcoming.

7. Post More Videos

Video has become more comm2on in the marketing world, with Google incorporating videos in their search results and even prioritizing pages that include videos. Take the time to record video walkthroughs of your office, client testimonials, and interviews with your partners and staff. Seeing your faces beforehand builds trust with clients before their first meetings, and you can include these videos on both your website and online advertising. If you need help getting started with your video marketing, < reach out to ProSites Legal. We can send a team over to record footage at your office, then roll it into a sophisticated production and market it online.

Focusing on your legal marketing provides the opportunity to grow your firm while building your brand’s reputation.

Take the time to implement these strategies and test new channels that will make the most of your time and budget. If you need additional help launching your legal marketing, reach out to ProSites Legal at (888) 604-6111.